
Information about Civediamo Wine Trade
Company data

Civediamo Wine Trade e.U.
VAT: ATU 7300 4624

Commercial Register Number: FN 487724 t

Owner: Stella Biehal-Vidmar
Competent court: Commercial Court Vienna
Membership: Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Trade Section


Telephone: +43 660 1515300


1010 Vienna
Fleischmarkt 14


1010 Vienna
Köllnerhofgasse 6/VIII (Storefront)

Website & Corporate Design Creation

CD, Web, Design: echonet communication GmbH

Photo Credit

iStock: 506822118, 611859774, 625305128

123rf: 82039381, 82039380, 69526529


We have researched and created the information on this website to the best of our knowledge. If you notice a mistake, we look forward to hearing from you and will fix it immediately. However, we can not accept liability for errors.

All rights to the texts are reserved. These may only be used for reprints or on other websites or published in another form with the prior written consent.

Rights holders,,,, as well as the Facebook presence Civediamo.Wine.Trade (https: //www.facebook. com / is Civediamo Wine Trade e.U., Fleischmarkt 14, 1010 Vienna, Austria.

Copyright - copyright of content

The content of Civediamo Wine Trade e.U. Website is protected by copyright in its entirety and its parts. The copying (downloading, printing) of content for personal or private use is only permitted provided that the content is not edited and copyright notices or other copyright notices are not removed, altered or alienated.

In particular, any further use (upload, distribution and other public reproduction) as well as any commercial use of the content as a whole and in its parts is prohibited. The use of markings (eg brands, logos), regardless of the presence of a symbol ® or ™, is expressly prohibited. For the orderly sake, it is pointed out that contents which are downloaded from the website or reproduced in any other way, despite this, the rights of Civediamo Wine Trade e.U. remain. Any use of the contents of this website in addition to this copyright notice requires the written permission of the management of Civediamo Wine Trade e.U..

Data protection

Anonymous information retrieval

Visiting our website is anonymous. We will anonymously know your IP address, the name of the Internet service provider, the website from which you visit us, and the websites you visit. This information is analyzed for statistical purposes. You remain anonymous as an individual user. Since no personal data is collected on our pages for the purpose of purely customer information, no use or disclosure can take place.

External links

For your optimal information, you will find links on our pages that refer to third-party sites. As far as such links are not obvious, we point out that this is an external link. The Civediamo Wine Trade e.U. has no influence on the content and design of these pages of other providers. Civediamo Wine Trade e.U. Not even for the functioning of link links of any kind. The guarantees of this privacy policy therefore do not apply.

With links to other online offers, we assume no liability for the content, functionality and availability of the linked website (s). This also applies to all other direct or indirect references or links to external Internet offers. Links to this website are welcome if they are designed as external links in a separate browser window. A takeover of the main window in a frame of the Linksetzers is inadmissible. If a website to which we have linked contain illegal content, we ask for notification, the link will be removed immediately.

Collection and processing of personal data

Personal data will only be collected and processed if you provide it to us on your own initiative, for example to carry out a contract or register for personalized services. The data is processed to provide the services. In addition, if you have consented, you will receive promotional product information about the company. You may object to the advertising use of your personal data at any time. All personal data is transmitted in encrypted form in order to counteract misuse of the data by third parties.

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., to provide an analysis of website usage. The information generated by Google Analytics about your use of this website (including your IP address) is stored by Google Inc. Google will use this information to analyze the use of the website. Anonymous evaluations and graphs of number of visits, number of pages visited per user, etc. are created. We use these exclusively for the purposes of our own market research and, above all, for the optimization and needs-based design of our websites. More information about Google Analytics can be found at

Facebook pixels

This website uses the remarketing feature "Custom Audiences" of Facebook Inc. ("Facebook"). This function serves to present to visitors of this website, as part of their visit to the social network Facebook, interest-based advertisements ("Facebook Ads"). For this purpose, the Facebook remarketing tag was implemented on this website. Through this tag, a direct connection to the Facebook servers is made when visiting the website. It is transmitted to the Facebook server that you have visited this website and Facebook assigns this information to your personal Facebook user account.

For more information on the collection and use of data by Facebook, as well as your rights in this regard and ways to protect your privacy, please refer to the privacy policy of Facebook at
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